Tuesday, February 23, 2016


It's been an exciting start to the new year in the Mitchell Art Studio. The timing couldn't be better for me to get a new phone with endless memory to document accordingly. The following showcase some departures for students as they stretch and explore.

In pre-k this student usually, lately, draws pictures of her family. On this day she began with a beautifully textured, completely black painting, done very deliberately. She slowly added layers of other colors in a very balanced, still deliberate way. I'm loving the finished painting!

 Above you can see a student, whose drawings are usually representative of animals and people,  thinking very hard about what she's done here. She said to me, "I don't know what I did, it just happened!" (If you're able to get closer you can see the intricate design that 'just happened')

This quarter we are studying the art and culture of India as well as Islamic art. That might have influenced Liliana's art, and you can see the geometry, prevalent in Islamic art, in the boys' work above. 

Sometimes a departure leads to interest in a new center like fiber. Weaving has been popular this month! Other students, like the fourth grader above, are simply trying out untraditional tools. 

As always the students naturally move around the room to share work with classmates. I just got to observe! Fabulous!

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